TESCO has one of the largest stock inventories of MFSABs (Multi-Function School Activity Bus) in the country, so you can get what you need when you need it. MFSABs are similar to school buses and are primarily used by childcare centers, schools, and churches. The most common type of MFSAB is a “low headroom Type A bus”, which can seat 14 children and comes equipped with a child-check system to ensure every child exits the bus.
There are four types of MFSABs available; the smallest, “Type A”, can accommodate 9 child passengers, while the largest, known as “Type D”, can transport over 70. If you’re transporting over 14 passengers, you’ll need a CDL to operate the vehicle. If you’re not exactly sure what you need, our experienced TESCO sales team can help you decide.
Due to strict school bus standards, options for activity buses can be more limited; depending on your insurance company, you may be required to only operate MFSABs.
For more information on MFSABs and the ways they’re useful, contact your TESCO sales representative at 800.227.3572 today!