Shuttle buses make everyone’s life easier, but that’s especially true with senior citizens! Let’s take a look at the benefits your seniors will experience when you add a shuttle bus to your fleet.
Entering and exiting a shuttle bus is exponentially easier than a traditional van or car. Additional headroom allows passengers to stand upright with comfort and ease, as opposed to hunching over. Your passengers can also exit the vehicle in any order they please; if someone in the rear of the vehicle needs to get off, no one in the front has to move to let them do so.
If you’re concerned about passengers with specific mobility needs, many shuttle buses are created with wheelchair accessibility in mind. Wheelchair lifts are often added to vehicles to allow access for both handicapped and ambulatory passengers. If you’re not having a bus custom built, ask your dealership if they have any wheelchair accessible vehicles in stock.
Though state-specific regulations apply, shuttle buses with 14 passengers or less usually do not require a special license to drive. If this is the case, senior living facilities can keep their current drivers, and those drivers don’t need any additional certification, such as a commercial driver license (CDL). Be sure to check with your local BMV to see if a CDL is required.
You can provide extra comfort and safety for your passengers, as well as increase revenue when you upgrade to a shuttle bus. For more information on shuttle buses, check out our inventory online or call 800.227.3572 to speak with your TESCO sales representative!