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Increased Safety for Your Childcare
Increased Safety for Your Childcare
Alison Wahl
Marketing and Sales Support

Times are changing and so are the laws- many states now prohibit child care facilities from using 15-passenger vans and are requiring that a bus be used instead. Do you know your state’s requirements? Even if vans haven’t been outlawed yet in your state, you may want to consider purchasing a bus with increased safety and reliability standards.

The correct term for a childcare bus is a “Type A” school bus, or MFSAB (Multi-Function School Activity Bus). These buses are much different from your standard transit bus or shuttle. MFSABs are equipped with specific safety features designed to protect the passengers. Some of the important passenger safety features on Type A school buses include rollover cages made from reinforced steel, seats built specifically for school-aged children, latch positions for infant car seats, and front-mounted school bus crossover mirrors. Many buses have additional room for storage as opposed to a van, so rides are safer and more comfortable.

Driving a vehicle with 14 children can be distracting. Child-check systems are included to ensure that no child is accidentally left behind on the bus. When the ignition is turned off, a buzzing noise is activated. The driver must then walk down the aisle to deactivate the system- this ensures that your driver will check for left-behind children each and every time.

If you’re making the transition from a 15-passenger van to an MFSAB, you won’t have to worry about applying for a Commercial Driver’s License; CDLs are usually only required for vehicles that transport 16 individuals or more.

Every parent’s number one priority is protecting their children, and TESCO helps put you in the best position to do so as well. For additional information, call 800.227.3572 to speak with your TESCO representative, or click here to view our childcare inventory.