As buses age, there will be a time when parts will need to be replaced, be it something small such as a lightbulb or sticker, or something large like a bumper or wheel cover. Where do you turn when you find yourself in need? There are many ways in which you can benefit by avoiding third-party sellers and sourcing parts directly from your dealership.
Companies that purchase their parts directly from a bus and parts distributor will save thousands of dollars over the life of the bus by not paying for marked-up repair parts. Bus dealers have access to captive or exclusive parts for bus lines, as well as access to discounts on all of the component and chassis parts. Based on exclusive rights and buying power, parts distributors are able to offer a better price on nearly all parts to the end user, compared to any other parts sourcing outlets.
If you are buying your parts from a third party supplier, you are most likely paying an unnecessary mark up on all of the parts. If you have a trusted service partner, encourage them to call your dealer to buy the parts on your behalf, so that you are still getting the best possible price.
Speaking with an expert on any given product will help lead you in the best direction. By contacting your bus dealer/parts supplier, you will be working with someone in the bus parts industry who has experience and product knowledge on a vast majority of issues, problems, and solutions for any parts and bus maintenance questions. There is a much higher likelihood of ordering and receiving the correct part for your bus the first time around if you are sourcing parts directly, instead of relying on a person or company that does not know the product as well. Rather than experiencing problems with ordering the wrong part or being shipped the wrong part due to parts terminology and lack of experience, you can count on a seasoned bus parts professional to correctly diagnose an issue, advise you of your options, and accurately supply you with your part.
The only thing worse than having a bus down is not knowing when it will be ready to be fixed. Unfortunately, waiting on a bus part can be a common problem. All too often, this is compounded by communication issues, such as a service facility ordering a part from an indirect supplier. Not only does this increase the cost, but it can greatly increase the lead time from when a part can be shipped. When a part is ordered from an indirect supplier, there are more people and companies involved and mistakes can be made. By contacting your direct supplier, you are dealing with a parts representative who can openly communicate with you the status of your order. Direct suppliers physically stock parts and can ship the part directly to you or your service facility.
As a stocking dealer, TESCO maintains a large inventory of common bus replacement parts to be able to ship immediately to customers, so that your bus can get back on the road as quickly as possible. You’ve made an investment in your vehicle, and we understand how important it is to maintain your investment. Contact TESCO’s parts department at 800.227.3572 to save time and money on your next parts order!