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The TESCO Difference
The TESCO Difference
Kayla Graham
Marketing and Social Media

Buying a bus is often a process many people don’t know where to start. If left in the wrong hands, it can be an overwhelming and confusing ordeal that leads to a long-term headache. At TESCO, we know that purchasing a bus is a process, but we also know how to make that process as easy and seamless as possible and it all stems back to one key factor in every deal, exceptional customer service, that’s the TESCO difference.

TESCO is different from any other bus dealership in the country. We create relationships with our customers that start even before we turn the keys over, and last all the way until the next bus purchase…and after!

The TESCO difference can be broken down into 5 areas, with an easy to remember acronym, T-E-S-C-O.

Trusted Advisors – More than just “employees at a dealership,” our team is made up of trusted advisors. When a customer needs advice on products, sales, leasing, parts, service, or graphics, a TESCO customer can trust our team with having the knowledge and expertise to point them in the right direction. This is a long-term benefit to working with TESCO.

“At TESCO, we take the necessary extra steps to ensure our customer’s experience is the most pleasurable and hassle-free as possible. Customer satisfaction is our #1 goal. We're not only here for you during the sale, but for the entire time you own your TESCO bus. We are a family at TESCO, and that includes our customers.”Bryan McDougle, Senior Sales Executive.

Employees – TESCO employees go above and beyond for customers. We understand the value of each and every person that trusts TESCO for their transportation needs.

Service – At one point in every bus’s life, something will need to be fixed. At TESCO we understand importance of reliable and prompt service, which is why our team works diligently to have vehicles back on the road as soon as possible. Our responsive service managers work customers through every issue, large or small.

“We will help you address all of your warranty issues, questions, and service needs in a timely manner. No one comes close to matching our response time, our tracking of issues to resolution, or our knowledge of the product!”Josh Wise, Customer Service Manager.

Communication – It takes several people in many different departments to start and complete a bus sale, therefore, communicating effectively is crucial to the success of every purchase. Our attention to detail ensures that every customer receives exactly what they’re promised.

“We pride ourselves on taking the extra communication steps to make sure that the delivery address is correct, the bus is clean, and our drivers deliver the bus with a smile.”Ross Graham, TESCO Vice President.

Overall Customer Experience – TESCO has set a standard of excellence, not only in the product we sell, but the customer service we provide. It’s a piece of the puzzle that sets us apart from any other dealership in the industry and it is exactly what makes the TESCO difference.

“At TESCO we are passionate about creating the best customer experience and product quality in the commercial bus industry. We guarantee customer satisfaction and always put our customers first.”Noel Graham III, TESCO Vice President.

Interested in experiencing the TESCO difference with your next bus purchase? Call a sales representative today to find exactly what you’re looking for.
