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Why Your Company Needs a Minibus
Why Your Company Needs a Minibus
Alison Wahl
Marketing and Sales Support

In today’s world, everyone is always on the go. At TESCO, we’ve seen a huge increase in demand for transportation from both the private and public sector. One of the best ways that your company can meet this demand is with a minibus. Have you considered purchasing a minibus but haven’t pulled the trigger yet? Let’s look at some of the benefits a minibus can provide your company.

A minibus allows your company to tap into gaps in the current market and into new markets as well. First and foremost, this can increase both your revenue and ridership. There are many church groups, schools, youth organizations, corporations, construction companies, and even government entities that have a demand for transportation with no means of doing so. A minibus can fill this gap, creating new customers and relieving your customers of stress from organizing group transportation.

One of the best ways to capitalize on a minibus purchase is to designate your minibus as a dual-purpose vehicle. A minibus doesn’t have to be used for only one type of transportation. With options such as dedicated rear luggage, overhead storage, high-end corporate seating, USB ports, and entertainment systems, your minibus can perform an assortment of different jobs. Imagine taking corporate clients to the airport in the morning utilizing the rear luggage space, and then taking a church group on a shopping trip in the afternoon; it can serve so many different purposes that your business will always find a use for it.

A minibus can help your company save money. How often do several different employees travel to the same place in different vehicles, all on the company’s dollar? Not only can your company transition towards being more of a “green” company from less vehicle emissions, but you will also save money and time by having everyone ride together.

At TESCO, we have vehicles with seating capacities ranging from as low as 14 passengers to as high as 45 passengers in all price ranges, from new minibuses to quality used minibuses. Visit our website or call us at 800.227.3572 to speak to our professional sales staff about your future minibus.